Start: Speak to Martin the Master Farmer beside the pig pen in Draynor Village.
Skills: The
ability to defeat a level 111 monster.
Quests: Lost City, Nature
What You Need: Ghostspeak Amulet a pair of secateurs, a spade and 3 items different for each
player that will be named during the quest.
Getting Started
Martin will tell you that he has noticed a marked drop in produce yield over the last few months and
wants you to help him find out why. You now need to visit G.A.G. members: Farmers at the allotments, hops patches, bush patches
and fruit tree patches. You will need to speak to 5 of them in total.
The Farmers
The first one will complain about the lack of rain.
The second one complains about insects.
The third one complains about adventurers.
The fourth farmer complains about out-of-whack seasons.
Farmer number 5 thinks the Fairies are to blame.
The Fairies
Now return to Martin the Master Farmer and tell him all of this. He will then send you to look for fairies,
so head to Zanaris.
Once you are in the city, head to the area that Chaeldar the Slayer master resides at. In this area will be
the Fairy Godfather who you must speak to.
He says that the Fairy Queen has been taken ill after fighting with a monster called a Tanglefoot and that you
must speak to Fairy Nuff. Fairy Nuff can be found in a room to the north just to the east of the bank in the city.
She will tell you about the illness of the Queen, and she needs your help with finding a cure. She will give
you a list of what ails the Queen and asks you to find Zandar Horfire.
Zandar Horfire is on the top floor of the Dark Wizard Tower west of Falador.
Speak with him and he will explain there is only one in the whole of RuneScape who ever fought a Tanglefoot
and lived to tell the tale: Malignus Mortifer.
You will find him south of Falador and north of the Rimmington mine near the Elemental Mages. Talk
to him and he will agree to help you but only if you bring him a Skull, a Draynor Skull. You will
find the Skull in a grave north of Draynor Manor, but within the fence surrounding it, north of the house. When you find the
grave stand on top of it and dig. You will get a Skull in your inventory. Return to him and give him the Draynor Skull.
He will now tell you how to get the Enchanted Secateurs, the only weapon that will defeat Tanglefoot. He will
tell you to have the nature spirit perform the Phasma Phasmatis Natura, and for this he will name 3 items you will
need to bring. These are different for each player and if you forget what you need you can find it in your Quest Journal.
For the next part you will need the 3 items and your Ghostspeak Amulet. If you don't have one, just visit Father
Urhney in the Lumbridge Swamp to obtain a new one.
Go to the nature altar and speak with Filliman. He will tell you he already knows you need his help and he will
then perform the Phasma Phasmatis Natura and your secateurs will have become Enchanted Secateurs.
Defeating Tanglefoot
Now it is time to prepare for battle: You will meet Tanglefoot. Return to Zanaris, wield your new secateurs,
make sure you have your food, potions or anything else you might need in battle.
Tanglefoot can be found in part of Zanaris accessed through a gap near the Cosmic Altar. When you try to go
through a Gate Keeper will say that the Fairy Godfather has given permission to enter, then you will be able to pass through.
Follow the path and where the path splits keep going left, this will end in the chamber where you fight Tanglefoot.
Once he had been defeated he will drop the Queens secateurs. They are a yellow version of the ones you are wielding
and can't be equipped.
Pick these up and go back to the Fairy Godfather. Speak with him again you have completed your quest. Congratulations!
- 3,500 Farming, 2,000 Attack and 1,000 Magic experience.
- 2 Quest Points
Extra: There is a second part to the reward. For this, talk to Martin the Master Farmer after finishing
the quest. It will take some time before you will get it, and you need to return after Martin has his first crop to receive
a reward.