Using Windows
- Press the Print Scrn key on your keyboard. It can be found above the Insert key and to the right of the F12 key.
Anything on the screen is now in the computer's memory, or the 'Clipboard.'
- Open up Paint or another graphics program like Photoshop or PaintShop Pro, and paste it by pressing Ctrl+V.
- Crop out anything you don't need, like the side menus (unless you need it). You will need to use the selection tool in
Paint to select the part you want, press Ctrl+C to copy it, Ctrl+N to make a new page, and then Ctrl+V
to paste it into a new document. Other programs have tools to crop and add effects that you can use.
- Since .bmp (a.k.a. bitmap) images are big and 'unfriendly' to the web, you should save it as a .gif or .png to make it
smaller. In Paint, select the format you want to save in from the 'type' menu, and then type in a name with the same extension
(.gif or .png).
Why not save it as a .jpg? - Well, .jpg's are actually meant for photos, like the ones you take with
a camera. They aren't meant for computer generated art due to the wide range of colors (and most computer art is pixelized).
Of course, you can still save screenshots as a .jpg, but there is generally more distortion and a larger file size.
- A key combination of Alt+Print Scrn will take a screenshot of only the current window, making cropping of your new picture
much easier!
Using Macintosh
- Press the key combination of Shift+Command (apple)+3. The apple key can be found betweent the Alt key and the Spacebar
- Depending on your system, it may be saved as a different file type:
- In Mac OS 10.x, a PDF file with your picture in it will be saved to the desktop. You need to open it, choose Export
from the File menu, then choose a new format to save it as. then click Save.
- In Mac OS 9.x and below, it should just be an image file saved on your desktop.