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Pirate's Treasure
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Start: Talk to Redbeard Frank about treasure.
Requirements: None!
What You Need: At least 90gp, a bottle of Karamja Rum, White Apron, Chest Key, and a Spade.

Getting Started

First, talk to Redbeard Frank about any treasure he may know about. Usually he can be found near the Rusty Anchor Bar in Port Sarim, and he says that he will tell you about treasure if you get him some Karamja Rum. So, travel along the walkway and talk to either of the 3 sailors near the boat. When they ask if you want to take a trip to Karamja for 30gp, say yes.

Getting the Rum

Once on Karamja, follow the dirt road until you reach the bar owned by Zambo. Speak with him and buy some Karamja Rum for 30gp. Now, you need to smuggle the Rum off of the island because the Customs Officer will not allow you to bring it to the mainland.

Head back down the road and talk to Luthas, the banana plantation owner about a job. He says that he will pay you 30gp for each crate of bananas you fill up. Pick about 10 bananas from the trees behind his house, and then walk up to the crate on the other side of the building. Now use the Karamja Rum with the crate to store it, and then pack the crate with bananas.

Talk to Luthas again to collect 30gp, and then leave the island by speaking to the Customs Officer and letting her check you for anything you shouldn't have with you. Once you're off of the island, go to Wydin's Grocery Store and try to get into the back room. Ask him for a job, and he says that you need a White Apron to work for him. You can buy an apron from the Varrock clothes shop for 2gp, or have someone trade you one. Go into the back room and search the crate in the middle of the floor for the Rum.

The Pirate's Treasure

Bring the Rum back to Redbeard Frank, who gives you a Chest Key. He says that there's a chest upstairs in the Blue Moon Inn, so head to Varrock. Upstairs in the pub is a chest, and after unlocking it with the key you should find a Pirate Message that reads "Visit the city of the White Knights, in the park Saradomin points to the X which marks the spot." It looks like  we're going to Falador.

You're going to need a Spade to dig up the buried treasure, and you can find one in the small house just east of the Furnace in Falador. In the garden you will see a statue of Saradomin pointing west. Right in front of him is a flower bed that crisscrosses like an X, so walk towards the center of it and click "Dig" to find the treasure!



  • Treasure: A Cut Emerald, Gold Ring and 450gp.
  • 2 Quest Points

Copyright G M0n3y  for RuneScape.