Start: Begin by speaking to Yanni Salika in the Shilo Village Antique Shop.
At least level 18 Herblore, 25 Crafting, 30 Smithing, 36 Agility and the ability to defeat a level 92 enemy.
Rune Mysteries, Druidic Ritual, Shilo Village.
What You Need: 4 Steel Bars, 1 Iron Bar, 1 Bronze Bar,
5 Pigeon Cages, a Bowl of Water, Harralander, 1 Marrentil, 2 Guam Leaves, a Chisel, Hammer, Pot, an empty Tea Cup, and about
Getting Started
First off, speak to Yanni Salika, the antique seller in Shilo Village. He says that he needs some Mahogany from a Forester.
Before you leave, be sure to buy a ticket for the Lady of the Waves from Seravel upstairs in the Fishing Store.
A Long List of Tasks
Now talk to a Jungle Forester south of the village, and he will give you a Blunt Axe that needs sharpening. Bring this
axe to Captain Shanks, who can be found on a boat west of Shilo Village. He says that he doesn't want to bring the axe himself,
and then he'll offer to let you bring his boat to Port Sarim. If you don't already have a ticket, buy one from him and set
sail to the port.
Bring the axe to Brian in the Axe Shop, and he wants you to see Aggie in Draynor Village. Aggie will ask you to go to
H.A.M. Headquarters for Jimmy 'the Chisel', who happens to be in jail. He can be found in the southeast part of the cave,
and you can right-click on the door and select "Speak With Inmate" to talk to him. He will tell you to speak to Johanhus Ulsbrecht.
Johanhus will free Jimmy if you talk to Farmer Fred in Lumbridge for some chickens. He can be found just northeast of
the H.A.M. camp, and Fred will ask you to see Seth Groats, just east of there. Seth needs some chicken cages, and he tells
you to talk to Horvik, the Platemail seller in the eastern anvil building of Varrock. Bring him 3 Steel Bars, and he'll say
that he is sick. Now he wants some medicine and 5 Pigeon Cages.
Talk to the Apothecary located just southwest of the Clothing Shop, and he will give you the Herbal Tincture, but he'll
drop the Breathing Salts. Talk to Tassie the Potter in the Barbarian Village, and she'll want you to talk to Hammerspike in
the Dwarven Mines. He can be found past the anvils in the far west corner. Ask him if he was always a Gangster, and he'll
want you to go see Sanfew in Taverly, upstairs in the Herblore Shop.
Now Sanfew wants you to make some Guthix's Rest Herbal Tea for a Gnome Pilot. Get a bowl of water, heat it up, use it
on an empty Tea Cup, add Harralander, 2 Guam Leaves and a Marrentil and bring it to the Gnome Pilot on White Wolf Mountain.
He now needs some T.R.A.S.H. Ropes to get to the Feldip Hills in record time with Sanfew.
You can get the ropes from Arhein the General Store manager in Catherby, but first he wants a weather forecast from Phantuwti
the Seer in the Seer's Village. He wants you to rescue a girl from the caves near the Fishing Guild. Head north in the Goblin
Cave into the east room. Search the Sculpture on the wall, and it appears to tell you to talk to Wizard Cromperty in East
Ardougne. He wants Iron Oxide from a Tindel Merchant in Port Khazard. He will give you a Mattress to bring to Rantz in the
Ogre City south of Yanille.
Rantz will tell you about a Gnome Engineer who has been making noise near the Gnome City. Head west and talk to Gnormadium
Avlafrim, and help him fix the lights. Search the Landing Lights for the gems, and use your Chisel on them. If you crush them,
you'll be able to buy another from the Gnome for 500gp. Once they're cut, place them back into the appropriate posts and go
back to Rantz.
Finishing the Tasks
Rantz will now fill your Mattress with Feathers, so bring it back to Tindel. Bring back the Iron Oxide to Wizard Cromperty
and he'll give you the Rock Animate Spell. Pick up 5 Pigeon Cages from nearby the west bank while you're in Ardougne. Get
ready for combat with a level 92 enemy! Bring some food, prayer potions and anything else you may need.
Head back to the Goblin cave and read the spell while near the girl, but you'll misfire the spell and a level 92 Slagilith
will appear. After killing it, you can pick up the Adamantite ore, Uncut Ruby and Diamond, and then re-cast the spell to free
the girl.
Now head back to the Seer's Village and talk to Phantuwti, who now needs you to repair the Weather Vane. Go upstairs,
climb the ladder with your Hammer and Bronze & Iron Bars. Use the Hammer on the Weather Vane to get some broken parts,
which can be fixed on the downstairs Anvil. Use this with the Weather Vane to fix it, and then talk to the Seer again to get
the forecast.
Bring the forecast to Arhein and buy a pot from him, go back to the Gnome, then speak with Sanfew. Go talk to Hammerspike
again, and his gang of level 49 Dwarves will attack you. Talk to him again after killing them.
Now talk to Tassie in the Barbarian Village, and she'll show you how to make lids. She will also give you some Soft Clay.
Use some Clay on the Potter's wheel, make an Unfired Lid , and then use it on the Pottery Oven. Use the lid on the pot and
bring it to the Apothecary who will fill it with Breathing Salts. Take these, as well as the Herbal Tincture and Pigeon Cages,
to Horvik. He will make them into Chicken Cages.
Bring these cages to Seth Groats who will tell you to speak to the H.A.M. leader to free Jimmy. Once he's free, talk
to Aggie back in Draynor Village, and then head back to Brian's Axe Shop in Port Sarim. Bring the axe to the Forester, who
will give you some Mahogany Logs to take to Yanni Salika. Quest Complete!
2 Antique Lamps that give 10,000 experience each to any chosen skill that is level 30 or
The Gnome Glider will now travel to the Feldip Hills (Ogre City).
Ability to Craft Pot Lids.
Ability to make
Guthix's Rest Tea.
A Key Ring for storing assorted keys.
2 Quest Points.