Start: Begin by speaking to King Narnode Shareen in the Grand Tree.
Skills: The
ability to defeat a level 195 Demon; a high Agility level and at least level 43 Prayer are a must as well.
Tree Gnome Village and Grand Tree.
What You Need: Armor and Weapons, Prayer and Antipoison Potions, lots
of food, method of teleportation, a Gold Bar, and a Ball of Wool.
Getting Started
Firstly, speak to King Narnode Shareen who is found in the Grand Tree of the Tree Gnome Stronghold. He says that he has
sent the 10th Squad to destroy Glough's shipyard in Karamja, but they haven't returned. Tell him that you'll help and he will
give you a Gnome Royal Seal. Go upstairs to the top of the tree and ride the glider to Karamja (Gandius on the Pilot's map).
Gnome Hangar
Head north of there with the seal and enter the shipyard. Speak to G.L.O. Caranock, who says that the fleet never made
it there. Fly back to the Grand Tree (Ta Quir Priw on the map) and talk to the king. Go to the second floor and talk to Daero
at the bar. He will bring you to the hangar, and after he and Waydar speak for a bit, talk to Daero again.
He says that you'll need to wait for 'reinitialization' to be completed before the gliders will fly. You will need to
complete a puzzle to finish the process. Search the crates nearby for some Spare Controls, which show you what the finished
puzzle should look like.
Operate the Reinitialization Panel to the south of Daero to see the puzzle, which is un-arranged. You need to slide
the puzzle pieces to make the scene shown in the Spare Controls. Start from the top and work your way to the bottom row. If
you can't seem to solve the puzzle, find Glough in his house to the north of the Gnome Agility Course and pay him 200,000gp
to do the puzzle for you. After that, you just need to move 1 piece to finish it.
Crash Island
After completing the puzzle, the room will shake and the gliders will unfold. Talk to Daero, get everything you need
and then talk to Waydar. Say that you're ready to go and you'll land on Crash Island on Karamja. For a complete map for the
area, check out Bboyjyoung's Map of Ape Atoll.
Now talk to Lumdo who at first refuses to help. Talk to Waydar, and he will convince him and bring you to Ape Atoll.
Meanwhile... you'll see a Foreman and G.L.O. Caranock arguing and plotting at the shipyard...
Head northwest through the jungle and follow the cliff towards the pass. Put your Protect From Missiles Prayer on and
try to get through, but you'll be instantly knocked unconscious from arrows.
Ape Atoll
You'll wake up in jail with 2 members of the 10th Squad, and there are 2 Gorilla Guards. Don't approach the door while
they're near, or you'll be punched (they have a range of 2 squares). When the guards are both at the north side of the room,
pick the lock and hide to the west of the cell.
When he's going to the other gorilla, dash out the door behind him without being noticed. then hide in the tall grass
to the north.
Be careful of the small scorpions, the can hit 13s and poison you! When in the grass, the monkeys can't see you. But
don't play in high detail, as some of the grass will not hide you. Head east and talk to Karam the Assassin. Now head to the
temple and go southeast to a building. Talk to Garkor, the squad leader who needs you to rescue his 3 men and to talk to Zooknock
about a disguise.
Now, we should get a few things before seeing the mage. Head to the Depot to the west and enter through the back door.
Search the crate in the southeast corner to find a secret entrance, go down the entrance (Some damage will be dealt) and then
search the crate in the northwest corner for for an M'Amulet Mould. Go back up and walk along the east wall. Search the crate
near the trap door for some Magical Monkey Dentures.
The Mage
Now teleport out of Ape Atoll and refill on your supplies. Be sure to bring a Gold Bar, Ball of Wool, Food and Potions.
If you don't have a teleport, you can RUN past the graveyard, up the ladder, and then jump off the ledge to find Lumdo.
Now that you have everything, head back to Crash Island and enter the dungeon in the south of the jungle. It's a very
long cavern full of Zombie and Skeleton Monkeys, traps and falling rocks (hide under the ledges when the screen shakes). At
the end, you'll meet up with Zooknock, the squadron mage. Bring the gold Bar, Dentures, Mould and Wool with you.
He needs this to make a Monkey Amulet and Talisman of some sort. Once he has the Gold Bar Enchantment, you need to bring
it to the Temple on Ape Atoll. Go through the trap door and use it on the Fire Walls near the entrance to make an M'Speak
Amulet which you can use a Ball of Wool on and wear it.
Now head to the Monkey Child in the northwest of the city and speak to him when he aunt is away. Tell him that you're
his uncle and then pick some bananas. When his aunt comes near, hide! His aunt says that if he picks 20 bananas, she'll give
him a toy.
So pick 20 Bananas and give them to him (you can give him a few at a time if you don't have room). His aunt will
give him a toy, and then you can ask to borrow it. He'll give you a Monkey Talisman. Get a Monkey Corpse from a Karamja Monkey
by killing it by either ranging or maging it, and bring both the Corpse and Talisman to the Mage. You'll now be able to transform
into a Monkey!
Advantages of being a Monkey:
Nothing will attack you on Ape Atoll
You can use the big gate without
being shot at and put in jail.
Monkey Alliance
From now on, always stay in Monkey form on Ape Atoll. Go back to the Sergeant. He wants you to make an alliance between
the Karamja Monkeys and Marim Monkeys. Talk to the Elder Guard and he says that you need Kruk's permission to enter. Speak
with Kruk, who can be found near the gates where you landed. To get to him, go just west of the bamboo gate after you have
gone through and then follow the path up to a ladder, go up the ladder and across the bridge, then go down the next ladder.
Once there you will find Kruk.
Kruk will take you to the Monkey King, Awowogei, and he wants you to bring back a monkey from the Ardougne Zoo. Go to
the Ardougne Zoo with your Greegree Talisman and M'Speak Amulet, transform into a monkey and talk to the monkey minders outside...
you'll be put in a cage! Talk to a monkey and it will climb into your backpack.
Now WALK (Warning: don't teleport OR log out! If you do that you will no longer have the monkey in your inventory!) to
the Grand Tree and get back to Awowogei. He'll think about the alliance. Go back to the Sergeant and he will give you the
10th Squad Sigil. Don't wear this until you're ready to defeat the Demon!
Tip: While you are in the cave, I would recommend getting 3 or 4 Sigil's, just in case you died fighting
the demon. This can be accomplished by talking to Waymottin and getting the Sigil, the dropping the Sigil and talking to him
again. This just pick up the Sigil you dropped and now you have two Sigils! Keep repeating. This is useful so you don't have
to keep coming back in the cave if you die.
The Demon
For this part of the quest, it's recommended to have 40 Ranged and 37 Prayer, as you'll be fighting a difficult demon
(who isn't that hard if you follow this guide!).
What You Need:
1x Antipoison potion,
Good food (lobbies or better recommended, but not really
needed if you do this right).
about 20x arrows mithril or better
Best d'hide body that you can wear
M'speak ammy
gree gree
1x Prayer potion (hopefully that's all you'll need)
Best shortbow you can wield (preferably yew or better)
As soon as you wear the sigil, switch to run. When the screen shakes, which should be a little while after the you wear
the sigil (this is to save that extra prayer point) turn on Protect from Magic.
As soon as Garkor is done talking, make a run for the nearest bridge. Cross it, and run over to the corner nearest the
members of the 10th squad. Be careful of spike traps along the way! Once at the corner, the Demon will be unable to mage you,
so its safe to turn off your protection prayer. From this viewpoint you should also be able to see the Demon's hp. Now is
the slightly tougher part. Wait for the gnomes to weaken the Demon until its hp bar is nearly completely red. If you miss
the timing, the demon will regenerate and you'll have to do this again.
As soon as you see the hp bar turn red. run back out (don't forget your protect from magic) and try to K.O. the Demon
with a quick 1-2 (or better yet, 1) on your shortbow, rapid mode to finish it. The best place to do this is on the bridge
that you ran out from earlier. The demon will be unable to melee you and your protect from magic will take care of the rest.
Talk to Garkor when its dead, and then Zooknock You'll be teleported to ape atoll. Run away from the poisonous snakes and
spiders and transform into a monkey at the soonest possible chance.
Further Notes:
Don't try to mage the demon, its magic resistance is quite high.
You are unable to range or mage from the ledges,
but you can do that on the bridges to the same effect
I highly recommend level 50+ ranged so you can range him with Blue Dragonhide on at least.
Let the gnomes do all the hard work for you, don't risk your life weakening it in the beginning!
Do NOT melee the demon except as a last resort, it would be suicide either way. It consistently hits 30+ damage on
both magic and melee attacks.
Finishing the Quest
Once it's dead, speak to Garkor, and then Zooknock. He will teleport you to the west coast of Ape Atoll, just north of
the gates. Head back to the Tree Gnome Stronghold where you can talk to the king and receive your reward.
3 Cut Diamonds
Speak with Daero to get 35,000 experience in Strength &
Hits or Attack & Defense. You will also receive 20,000 experience in the 2 skills you didn't choose.
Ability to transform
into different monkeys - kill Zombie, Temple or Archer Monkeys and bring their remains and a Talisman (1,000gp from the Magic
Shop) to the Gnome Mage.
Ability to use Marim shops and steal from Ape Atoll Stalls.
Ability to speak to monkeys.
to buy and wield a Dragon Scimitar - 100,000-150,000gp in Scimitar Shop.
Access to the Ape Atoll Agility course.
Quest Points